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Prior to using the library, you must configure it with the appropriate values for your environment. You can either configure the application statically, by providing the configuration values at design-time, or you can fetch the configuration from an HTTP endpoint. Configurations loaded from an HTTP endpoint must be mapped to the format the library expects.

Configure with static config

You can pass the static config with the config property into the forRoot() method like this

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthModule } from 'angular-auth-oidc-client';

imports: [
config: {
/* Your config here */
exports: [AuthModule],
export class AuthConfigModule {}

Using multiple configs

You can pass an array of configs into the forRoot() method. Each config will get an configId automatically if you do not set it for yourself.

imports: [
config: [
// config1...
// config2...
// config3...
exports: [AuthModule],
export class AuthConfigModule {}

Getting static config from a service (sync)

You can also get the static config from a service. In this case you can use the StsConfigStaticLoader passing the config in the constructor.

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class ConfigService {
getConfig(): OpenIdConfiguration {
return {
/* Your config here */

const authFactory = (configService: ConfigService) => {
const config = configService.getConfig();
return new StsConfigStaticLoader(config);

imports: [
loader: {
provide: StsConfigLoader,
useFactory: authFactory,
deps: [ConfigService],
exports: [AuthModule],
export class AuthConfigModule {}

Load config from HTTP (async)

If you want to load the config from HTTP and then map it to the interface the library provides you can use the StsConfigHttpLoader and pass it with the loader property.

import { AuthModule, StsConfigHttpLoader, StsConfigLoader } from 'angular-auth-oidc-client';

export const httpLoaderFactory = (httpClient: HttpClient) => {
const config$ = httpClient.get<any>(`https://...`).pipe(
map((customConfig: any) => {
return {
authority: customConfig.authority,
/* Your config mapping here */

return new StsConfigHttpLoader(config$);

imports: [
loader: {
provide: StsConfigLoader,
useFactory: httpLoaderFactory,
deps: [HttpClient],
exports: [AuthModule],
export class AuthConfigModule {}

Using multiple HTTP configs

The HTTP loader also supports multiple configs.

import { AuthModule, StsConfigHttpLoader, StsConfigLoader } from 'angular-auth-oidc-client';

export const httpLoaderFactory = (httpClient: HttpClient) => {
const config1$ = httpClient.get<any>(`https://...`).pipe(
map((customConfig: any) => {
return {
authority: customConfig.authority,
/* Your config mapping here */

const config2$ = httpClient.get<any>(`https://...`).pipe(
map((customConfig: any) => {
return {
authority: customConfig.authority,
/* Your config mapping here */

return new StsConfigHttpLoader([config1$, config2$]);

imports: [
loader: {
provide: StsConfigLoader,
useFactory: httpLoaderFactory,
deps: [HttpClient],
exports: [AuthModule],
export class AuthConfigModule {}

Using localstorage instead of default sessionstorage

The angular-auth-oidc-client uses session storage by default that gets cleared whenever you open the website in a new tab, if you want to change it to localstorage then need to provide a different AbstractSecurityStorage.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AuthModule, DefaultLocalStorageService, AbstractSecurityStorage } from 'angular-auth-oidc-client';

imports: [
config: {
/* Your config here */
exports: [AuthModule],
providers: [
provide: AbstractSecurityStorage,
useClass: DefaultLocalStorageService,
export class AuthConfigModule {}

Configure with standalone config

To configure the auth module by using the standalone API, you can use the provideAuth method

import { ApplicationConfig } from '@angular/core';
import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { provideAuth } from 'angular-auth-oidc-client';
import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component';

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
providers: [
config: {
/* Your config here */

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, appConfig);

Config Values


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

In multi-configuration use-cases, each configuration must be assigned a unique configId. By default, the library will generate and assign a unique configId to each provided configuration. You can override the library's default configId generation by providing a unique configId for each configuration entry.


  • Type: string
  • Required: true

This is the url to the Security Token Service (STS). The authority issues tokens.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

A different well-known endpoint can be defined instead of the authority domain with the standard well-known endpoints postfix. This is only required if the well-known endpoint URL is not implemented in a standard way on the Security Token Service (STS).


  • Type: object
  • Required: false

Allows you to set custom URLs for the Well-Known endpoints.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false
  • Default: /.well-known/openid-configuration

Override the default Security Token Service well-known endpoint postfix.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

This is the redirect_url which was configured on the Security Token Service (STS).


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

The client MUST validate that the aud (audience) claim contains its client_id value registered at the Issuer identified by the iss (issuer) claim as an audience. The id token MUST be rejected if the id token does not list the Client as a valid audience, or if it contains additional audiences not trusted by the Client.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

The name of the flow which to be configured. Valid options are code, id_token token, or id_token.
If you want to access an API or get user data from the server, the access_token value returned by the id_token flow is required. You must use the id_token flow.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

This contains the scopes that are requested from the server for this client, defined as a space-delimited list. This MUST match the STS server configuration.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

An optional hd parameter for Google Auth, specifically for the G Suite domain, see


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

If you are using the end session API, this is the URL to redirect the client to after a server logout.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Starts the OpenID session management for this client.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Indicates that the library should renew the client's tokens after the token_id expires. It can be configured to use iframes or refresh tokens.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

If you are using the silent renew process and set this parameter, the supplied URL will be used for lightweight silent renew callbacks. See Silent Renew.


  • Type: number
  • Required: false

Sets the maximum wait time for the silent renew process. If this time is exceeded, the silent renew state will be reset. Default = 20


  • Type: number
  • Required: false

Makes it possible to add an offset to the silent renew check in seconds. By entering a value, you can renew the tokens before they expire.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

If set to true, refresh tokens will be used for the silent renew process instead of the default iframes.
Default = false


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

A token obtained by using a refresh token normally doesn't contain a nonce value. The library checks it is not there. However some oidc endpoint implementations do send one. Setting ignoreNonceAfterRefresh to true disables the check if a nonce is present. Please note that the nonce value, if present, will not be verified. Default is false.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

The default Angular route to use after a successful login, if not using the triggerAuthorizationResultEvent.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

The Angular route to redirect the client to when the server returns an HTTP 403 response.


  • Type: string
  • Required: false

The Angular route to redirect the client to when the server returns an HTTP 401 response.


  • Type: boolean

Denote if the library should automatically get user info after authentication.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Denotes if the library should automatically get user info after token renew.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Denotes if the state should be reset after authentication. When set to false, the state is not automatically reset. This can be used for custom state logic handling.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

This can be set to true which emits an event instead of an Angular route change. Instead of forcing the application consuming this library to automatically redirect to one of the 3 hard-configured routes (start, unauthorized, forbidden), this parameter will add an extra configuration option to override such behavior and trigger an event that will allow you to subscribe to it and let the application perform other actions. One useful application of this event is allowing the application to save an initial return url so that the user is redirected to it after a successful login on the STS (i.e., saving the return url in sessionStorage and then retrieving when the event is triggered).


  • Type: LogLevel
  • Required: false

Sets the log level displayed in the console.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Makes it possible to turn the iss validation off per configuration. You should not turn this off!


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

If this is active, the history is not cleaned up during an authorize callback. This can be used when the application needs to preserve the history.


  • Type: number
  • Required: false

The amount of offset allowed between the server creating the token, and the client app receiving the id_token. The diff in time between the server time and client time is also important in validating this value. All times are in UTC.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

This allows the application to disable the iat offset validation check. The iat Claim can be used to reject tokens that were issued too far away from the current time, limiting the amount of time that nonces need to be stored to prevent attacks. The acceptable range is client specific.


  • Type: Object
  • Required: false

Extra parameters that can be added to the authorization URL request.


  • Type: Object
  • Required: false

Extra parameters that can be added to the refresh token request body.


  • Type: Object
  • Required: false

Extra parameters that can be added to the end session request body.


  • Type: Object
  • Required: false

Extra parameters that can be added to the token URL request.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Disables the auth_time validation for id_tokens in a refresh due to Microsoft Azure's incorrect implementation.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Enables the id_token expiry check in the renew process. You can disable this validation if you would like to ignore expired values during the renew process or after the first renew in the expiry check. With this disabled, a renew process will only be triggered when the access token expires. If no id_token is returned while using refresh tokens, set this to false.
Default = true


  • Type: number
  • Required: false

Controls the periodic check time interval in seconds.
Default = 3


  • Type: string[]
  • Required: false

An array of secure urls to which the token should be sent if the interceptor is added to the HTTP_INTERCEPTORS.
See Http Interceptor


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Activates Pushed Authorisation Requests (PAR) for login and popup login.
(iframe renew is not supported)


  • Type: number
  • Required: false

Controls the periodic retry time interval for retrieving new tokens in seconds.
Default = 3.
silentRenewTimeoutInSeconds and tokenRefreshInSeconds are the upper bounds for this value.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Adds the ngsw-bypass param to all requests (Angular Documentation).


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Allows multiple usage of refresh token. Refresh tokens which can be stored safely are typically longer-lived and RFC6749 allows their reuse. When the specification was written, it was not recommended to use refresh tokens in the browser. This is now required in SPAs because modern browsers block cookies required for iframe refresh. When using refresh tokens in the browser, the refresh tokens should be rotated, relatively short lived and only used once. Re-using refresh tokens is strongly discouraged. This configuration is required for older IDPs.

Activate this property only if your OIDC provider cannot be configured to rotate refresh tokens.

Default = false


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Disable validation for id_token. This is not recommended! You should always validate the id_token if returned.

Default = false


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: false

Allows an Auth0 custom domain to be used as the authority without losing the special handling of Auth0's logoff endpoint. If you are using a custom domain with Auth0 it is recommended to set this flag to true.